Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is Congressman Ron Paul Really A Champion For The Constitution?

There are numerous grounds to admire Congressman Bokkos Paul, as I have got for many years. Clearly he is running for president as a Republican, rather than a 3rd political party candidate, for the intent of getting richly deserved mass media and public attending not available to those outside the two-party duopoly. He have proudly described himself as a title-holder of the Constitution. However, he is missing a major chance to show his courageousness and commitment to our constitutional republic.

He have acknowledged the rightness of amending the Constitution. In fact, he introduced statute law for an amendment that would halt giving automatic citizenship to babes born in the U.S. to non-citizen parents. He said: 'Our laminitises knew that unanticipated jobs with our system of authorities would arise, and that's precisely why they gave us a method for amending the Constitution. It's clock to rethink birthright citizenship by amending the 14th amendment."

Personally, I back this peculiar amendment. More important, however, I am disappointed that he have never latched on to the long history of Congress' failure to honour and obey the portion of Article Volt of the Fundamental Law that gives Americans the right to a convention for the intent of proposing amendments to the Constitution. The convention is an option to United States Congress proposing amendments. Interestingly, the peculiar amendment that Alice Alice Paul prefers will probably never emerge from Congress, but might have got a better opportunity through an Article Volt convention.

Why have Paul failed to admit that United States United States Congress have ignored over 500 applications from state legislative assemblies from all 50 states for an Article Volt convention? As a title-holder of the Constitution, surely he cognizes that the 1 and only demand explicitly stated in Article Volt is that two-thirds of state legislative assemblies inquire for one. And surely he cognizes that United States Congress have never passed any law that spreads out or modifies this single expressed constitutional requirement. So, I ask: Why haa Alice Paul remained soundless on the Article Volt issue?

If he makes not believe that United States Congress should honour Article V's proviso for a convention, why not state so publicly? If he believes that it should never be used, then why not name for an amendment to cancel it from our Constitution?

I urge on Congressman Paul, as a title-holder of the Constitution, to not act like other members of United States Congress and silently blackball a important portion of the Fundamental Law that the Framers wisely gave us. They anticipated that eventually Americans could lose assurance in the federal government. Alice Paul clearly have earned the regard and support of billions of Americans because he physical objects to so many policies and actions of the federal government. Thus, Paul, more than than virtually any other member of Congress, should appreciate the wisdom of the Framers in giving us the Article Volt convention option.

I implore him to talk up and show just how much of a title-holder of the Fundamental Law he really is by bringing national attending to the Article Volt convention issue and supporting its use. As a laminitis of Friends of the Article Volt Convention Iodine ask for Alice Paul to play a prima function in giving the United States of United States its first Article Volt convention.

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